

Profilo, status e statistiche (dal 12-01-2020)

Dettaglio cyber gang

Profilo gang by OSINT sources: [source: 0]

Tesorion describes Lorenz as a ransomware with design and implementation flaws, leading to impossible decryption with tools provided by the attackers. A free decryptor for 2021 versions was made available via the NoMoreRansom initiative. A new version of the malware was discovered in March 2022, for which again was provided a free decryptor, while the ransomware operators are not able to provide tools to decrypt affected files.

Alerts: rfi location woe2suafeg6ehxivgvvn4nh6ectbdhdqgc4vzph27mmyn7rjf2c52jid.onion/index.php

N. rivendicazioni 2025 2024 2023
21 0 0 21
Fonte onionUltimo titoloStatusUltimo scrapeVersione Tor
lorenzmlwpzgxq736jzseuterytjueszsvznuibanxomlpkyxk6ksoyd.onion Lorenz 🔴 28-01-2025 3
lorenzmlwpzgxq736jzseuterytjueszsvznuibanxomlpkyxk6ksoyd.onion Lorenz 🔴 28-01-2025 3
Note di riscatto

Questo script colleziona ogni rivendicazione criminale esattamente come esposta dalle fonti (modello "As Is"), in un database SQL per creare un feed permanente, che può anche essere seguito con tecnologia RSS.
Il motore è basato sul progetto ransomFeed, fork in GitHub.