
Vittima: City of Collegedale

ID: 6973 rilevato il 09-04-2023 19:07:54 dal gruppo blackbyte
Descrizione: With a 2020 population of over 11,000 Collegedale is situated in eastern Hamilton County 15 minutes east of downtown Chattanooga, along the Interstate 75 corridor. Located adjacent to the Enterprise South Industrial mega site, the city lies at the center of a larger five-mile trade area that encompasses nearly 30,000 households. Between 2000 and 2010, the city’s population grew 27%, making Collegedale the fastest growing municipality in Hamilton County.

Hash di rilevamento: b830ac78dd0dd1ddd36c80978a560e4b76a3f3be7e6f2131bf0ca4ca1aacc119
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: https://www.collegedaletn.gov/
Settore lavorativo: Unknown

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