
Vittima: Falcon Holdings

ID: 6384 rilevato il 09-03-2023 17:17:28 dal gruppo blackbyte
Descrizione: Falcon created the management company of professionals to provide operational expertise and administrative services to a wide range of companies. It serves clients with a level of commitment that is first class in the industry. Implementation of many programs in the company are designed to promote a diverse work force and helping employees excel. Khan is a true example of someone who has taken advantage of the opportunities available and created value to the clients, employees and investors.

Hash di rilevamento: a7084d3358be67baab8f37af6a39ea09acaa4a8bdb39a36998a65dc193ed7662
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: https://www.falconholdings.com/
Settore lavorativo: Business Services

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