
Vittima: LEMODOR

ID: 14293 rilevato il 15-04-2024 13:21:10 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: LEMODOR Lüftungstechnik AG, based in Switzerland, is one of the leading manufacturers of ventilation systems in modern residential construction. Founded in Liechtenstein in 1978, the company produces innovative and market-proven products such as the well-known LIMODOR single-tube ventilation system or the AquaVent controlled residential ventilation system.limodor-->

Hash di rilevamento: a10aed65ebf69d1113f392d56e6357c8bb8059922fd602092ce2ad89f5cb606a
Vittima localizzata in: Switzerland
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Manufacturing

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