
Vittima: La Contabile Spa

ID: 11981 rilevato il 22-11-2023 07:11:20 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: La Contabile Spa is a leading company in the field of products and office materials, able to guarantee a complete and qualified advice to its customers. The Accountant S. p.A. was born in Reggio Emilia in 1977 and over the years has had an evolution that has brought it far beyond the characteristics of simple stationery, becoming the most important Buffetti point in Italy. Today it is still able to offer classic stationery for school and office, but also forms, hard prodotti In our three points of sale each customer can find products and solutions with the assistance and professionalism of over 40 people. lacontabile-->

Hash di rilevamento: a92fed6433410d48719439a5f2f426f9cc28ace7debfc76143d5efe368071d12
Vittima localizzata in: Italy
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Services

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