
Vittima: JAI A/S

ID: 11597 rilevato il 01-11-2023 06:56:47 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: JAI industrial area scan cameras and line scan cameras for machine vision, traffic imaging and life sciences imaging JAI is a manufacturer of high quality, industrial-grade cameras for the machine vision, traffic, aerospace, homeland security, medical and scientific markets. JAI provides the broadest camera offering of any industrial matrix camera manufacturer in the world. JAI's product line features both single and multi-CMOS technologies, spatial resolutions from VGA to multi-mega pixel, progressive scan and interlaced format. Camera offerings include both monochrome and color, triggered and continuous capture, and a wide variety of physical interfaces including USB3 Vision, GigE Vision, CoaXPress and Camera Link. JAI cameras help improve customer businesses in a variety of ways, whether by improving quality and accuracy, lowering costs, increasing yields, or simply enabling better service

Hash di rilevamento: a63d720c8f976d9ec202a841745d0f631e06d720f4735611ac92e58bd47b816d
Vittima localizzata in: Denmark
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Manufacturing

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