
Vittima: Fondation Vincent De Paul

ID: 10797 rilevato il 14-09-2023 07:11:52 dal gruppo noescape
Descrizione: Created by the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Strasbourg, the Vincent de Paul Foundation was recognized as a public benefit by a resolution of the Council of State of December 26, 2001.The foundation's network...

Hash di rilevamento: 29b6a2e792391869d2b6b808ca5ced89ad74074b8382d025bd2a6e1681b215a0
Vittima localizzata in: France
Sito web: https://www.fondation-vincent-de-paul.org
Settore lavorativo: Human Services

Rivendicazioni collegate

10799 - www.fondation-vincent-de-paul.org

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