
Vittima: Smead

ID: 10636 rilevato il 06-09-2023 20:30:47 dal gruppo blackbyte
Descrizione: Smead Manufacturing keeps its customers' offices organized. Accordingly, the company makes more than 5,000 paper filing products that are sold in office supply stores nationwide. Smead's product assortment includes folders (hanging, tabbed, and expandable), labels, fasteners, and binder and report covers. The firm also supplies open and secure shelving systems.The company was founded in 1906 by Charles Smead. After the founder's death, Smead Manufacturing was purchased by employee P. A. Hoffman, whose granddaughter, Sharon Hoffman Avent, is president and CEO today.

Hash di rilevamento: c515b383f9ac2a6797e26c40be8394e8aab02d01eb6b81fcc3f43e5245714713
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: https://www.smead.com/
Settore lavorativo: Manufacturing

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