Vittima: Etex Communications
ID: 6475 rilevato il 16-03-2023 02:27:36 dal gruppo blackbyte
Descrizione: The Company’s rich heritage and continued desire to bring the very best communications services and technology to subscribers is evidenced by the evolutions of the network from open wire strung along fence posts and outhouses to the digital fiber optic network in place today.Etex Telephone Cooperative boasts a service territory of 710 square miles of rural East Texas. Customers within this service area are given the opportunity to purchase local, long distance, digital TV and internet (dial-up and DSL) services at rates comparable to those found in urban areas around the state. Deployment of fiber in the loop further enhances our ability to offer other broadband services.
Hash di rilevamento: 4c1184f25426870054a9b7577697750b501e2701bf2674a74e4c1bc8b6c80227
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: https://www.etex.net/
Settore lavorativo: Information Technologies Consulting