
Vittima: Lanificio Luigi Colombo S.p.A.

ID: 11864 rilevato il 15-11-2023 10:29:17 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: Lanificio Colombo: Online Shop for Ready-to-Wear in Cashmere and Noble Fibres. Made in Italy Standards of Craftsmanship. Visit our Online Luxury Shop! Lanificio Luigi Colombo is the world's largest producer of cashmere and noble fibres fabrics. Transforming cashmere, kid cashmere, yangir, kid wool, guanaco, vicuña and camelhair in products expressing the family's passion for noble fibres. Interpreting the spirit of our times through the culture of quality lanificiocolombo-->

Hash di rilevamento: 32934933be6e3db15506a8a51de02787e59bee195f3c1fea03a41eee882c2a4a
Vittima localizzata in: Italy
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Luxury

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